Chopped tarragon, coriander, parsley, dill (about 2g each)
1 tsp lime juice
White pepper
Salt and pepper the salmon, sprinkle it with lime juice and coat with herbs. Grill until ready.
For salad
½ pear
15g pineapple
2 segments grapefruit
2g chopped coriander
2g chopped peppermint
½ tsp lime juice
1 slice lemon
Cut out the pear's middle to make a cup, slice its pulp and the pineapple. Add lime juice, coriander and peppermint and mix well. Put the mixture into the pear cup, decorate with peeled grapefruit and lemon.
For sauce and decoration
½ puréed mango
15g balsamic vinegar
½ lemon
3g sugar
1 sprig of thyme
For sauce mix mango purée and vinegar.
Decorate the dish with grilled sugared lemon and thyme sprig